Could you please address Bug 1058583 and those depending on it? It is causing damage to me
Bug 1058583 and the ones depending on it seem well described in Bugzilla. Could you please address them?
Inadvertently sending emails to the wrong person may cause a lot of damage. In the past, Thunderbird selected the most frequently used email address and so I got used to trust Thunderbird autocompletion after a while. I hope I can trust Thunderbird again soon!
All Replies (3)
This is a support forum, you are with developers in bugzilla who have the knowledge and skills to fix bugs. Your with fellow users here.
Bug Reports:
- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1058583
- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=970456
That bug has already been reported and developers are working on this complex issue. You can read any progress from the developer comments. Unless you have anything to add to a bug report, please do not use it to offer general comments, it is a channel used by developers.
Here is quote from a comment: The good news is, we intend to eliminate the problem of b) in bug 1134986, so initial match of search word(s) against the displayed complete address will NOT top-score any more in TB 38. Iow, as long as your search words match the beginning of *any* word-like parts of the complete address (or the nickname field), as described in a) above in this comment, they all rank equally high at first and will then be effectively (second-)sorted by their popularityIndex. So that will strengthen the influence of popularityIndex on the results order for a lot of scenarios, starting from TB 38....... Thanks for your valuable user feedback; rest assured we're working hard to improve TB for you. Remember that we're all unpaid volunteers dedicating our free time to the continuous development of TB.
However, the bug relates to popularity index, so saying some very old, not used recently email addresses are being offered higher in the list. It is a bit more complex than that, but it means you need to scroll more to locate the correct email address. So, maybe needing to be careful in choosing between similar email addresses and not assuming the top one is the one you want without checking.
Sorry, I am just a simple user and cannot but offer general statements. It used to work nicely until several months ago (TB had nicely "learned" all my common preferences for addresses) and then broke (TB forgot all it had learned about my preferences and does not "learn" any longer) and hasn't been improved since. Wouldn't it be a good idea to go back to the previous algorithm that worked? Sorry for bothering.