Change light-face type faces to dark-face type faces. (71y/o eyes need help)
I do not know how to find the chart of font colors and controls for making type faces bolder in Firefox. Many of the items on search pages come out very faint (like a default setting). I would like to know how to make the faint font faces (like on this page and others) blacker and bolder -- and to be able to save that changed type face as my own personal default so that every time I turn on my machine the Firefox opens defaulting to the bolder and brighter type face. (If this is not a Firefox issue -- but maybe a Microsoft Windows operating system issue, this could be a harder-than-necessary resolution.) Thank you for considering this isue.
All Replies (2)
you can use your customize font face in firefox.
1. click on "menu" 2. click on "preference" 3. click on "content" 4. check "Fonts and Colors" setting
on "advance" option you can edit color for both "text" and "background"
You can use the NoSquint extension to set font size (text/page zoom) and text color on web pages.