How can I stop Yahoo mail from running background video?
there has to be an add on that will stop this, Windows 10 takes far too much memory and these unnecessary videos drain my memory even more.
I don't speak Computerese and have a hard time with instructions you may find easy.
All Replies (3)
Go to Add ons (Tools>add ons) do a search for Ad-Block it is great for blocking stuff - works on those Yahoo video ads and many others as well
If you don't find an effective add-on, could you give an address of a page that demonstrates poor behavior and where the unwanted videos appear? There unfortunately is a trend toward giant page-wide background videos, and I don't know whether an ad blocker will block those.
@JohnHenryReaves :
You say that this happens on Yahoo mail :
If you are using AdBlock Plus you can install another add-on, called the 'Element Hiding Helper'. Once installed and activated you can select the entire video window and hide it.
Also see :
Happy112 trɔe