Aol isnt recognizing folders. Cant move from inbox to folder on Thunderbird
Today while on Thunderbird: I tried to move mail from inbox into folders I have on thunderbird. Have not had until today any issues. AOL kept saying folders did not exit - went to aol directly and emails have just dates .. have two other AOL mail accounts in thunderbird working fine. Checked if I could send to those and place in folders - no issues. Checked if settings were same and they are. I'm getting a box lower right corner saying (try create) error. Can anyone help?
All Replies (6)
what exactly is the trycreate error.
have you tried turning off your anti virus email scanner ( a common cause of issues)
Thank you for your reply. anti virus email scanner? I don't believe I have one. I have three other AOL email addys coming into thunderbird as well with no issues. I checked their settings against what was in the troubled one and they match, thought something might have been unckd. The [TRYCREATE] error is what came up when thunderbird tried to access folder on aol server- it continues with "folder does not exist or server encountered an error." When I go into my inbox on the AOL site all the folders are showing as dates where on Thunderbird they are named. So I'm wondering if they are not syncd somehow?
re :on the AOL site all the folders are showing as dates where on Thunderbird they are named
It does not sound normal for AOL webmail folders to have no name. You should see Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Spam, Trash plus any other folder you created. Those names synchronise with your AOL TB folders of same name. It explains why you cannot connect using Thunderbird.
I'm sure this is not the case in the other AOL webmail accounts ?
Suggest you contact AOL and tell them the issue with your webmail account and ask them why your folders have unusual names and more importantly to fix the webmail account fodler names.
Thanks for the reply. I have contacted them and currently waiting for a response. in meantime I think I'm going to just move the important ones off that addy to another and limit future use as I'm sure they will not fix this quickly. I was just wondering if there was an issue with Thunderbird ie something I need to ck or unck.. or if there was something I could do on Thunderbird side of this b4 going the AOL route. Also to note I am seeing the normal folders u mentioned -the standard ones. However its the ones I created within the inbox folder that do not have names. Looking on AOL they are 2017 2016 2018 - and other AOL addys are perfectly fine folders I've named and all no issues.. just this one particular addy. Would archiving maybe have anything to do with this? just a thought
Razor13 trɔe
Archiving in thunderbird tends to archive emails to an Archive folder not change default folder names on the webmail server.
ok thanks for your input with this.. waiting on AOL to sort it thru