Download PDF from an .aspx page doesn't work
My local club uses a package called "Clubessentials" and it includes a facility to view your current statement/invoice. This is usually downloaded as a PDF from a 'builder form' which I think is viewStatement.aspx.
I updated to version 65.0 just this week, and now the download doesn't work correctly. Instead of my download folder having a .PDF file, it has viewStatement.aspx. See attached screen image.
I tested it with MS Edge and it works fine, and it worked on Firefox until this update.
All Replies (10)
Problem here the site is a login site and that makes diagnosis the problem harder to do. Did you ask anyone in the IT or does computer fix there about the issue?
I repeat: "I tested it with MS Edge and it works fine, and it worked on Firefox until this update. " I doubt Clubessentials will be interested in helping, as (a) it's an ASP page (Microsoft package?) and (b) it works on the Edge browser.
Shouldn't be difficult to find a website that uses asp to generate PDFs?
Or - what changed in version 65 of FF ?
I asked this because no one can login that site to test the problem.
Westend, I appreciate you are trying to help, but this is obviously something introduced in version 65 - and there isn't a problem in MS Edge. I can't expect the Club to help debug something that works in another browser.
Is only the file name and file extension wrong and does the file work when you rename the file?
You can the Network Monitor to check how the server is sending this file.
The "file" that is downloaded is actually the application that is supposed to be generating the PDF. .aspx is an "active server process" program, I believe?
I tried the network monitor, but FF opens a new tab in order to download the PDF and it then closes the tab again, so I don't have a chance to view the request.
Well, whaddya know. I changed the file extension to .pdf and the statement shows - so it is an incorrect file extension.
Which leads to the next question - why is FF not updating the file extension when the download happens?
I assumed that the file extension was wrong, that was the main reason I suggested to use the Network Monitor to inspect the HTTP response headers. It is unfortunate that the Network Monitor doesn't show the headers.
Can't you open the link in the same tab or use the Inspector to check the code to download the link?
FF opens the link is a new tab and then closes it - no time to inspect the network stuff. And I am not a developer so I have no idea what the inspector is.