Can we copy and paste individual e-mails frm message paine to Windows Explorer using CTRL+C and CTRL+V?
I save individual e-mails such as receipts and other important correspondences for my business tens of times per day.
While I appreciate the ability to save with the Save As… option to browse through many folders on my PC to save it, it would save a lot of time if we had the ability to:
1. Select an e-mail in the message pane. 2. Press CTRL+C. 3. Go to the desired Windows Explorer folder in Windows. 4. Press CTRL+V.
And it is an .eml file for safe keeping. I use shortcut keys to various folders on my PC for quick access. This coupled with the above request would be killer.
This was a great feature in some other e-mail programs I've used in the past and would be incredibly helpful in Thunderbird.
Is there a way to do this I'm not aware? I've looked at options, and on this form, and elsewhere but do not see a way currently.
All Replies (4)
You can save messages as eml files to File Explorer by drag and drop, which seems just as easy as the method you desire, as it bypasses the Save As dialog.
Thank you for the reply. However drag and drop is an accessibility issue for folks using a screen reader. I inadvertently left mention of a screen reader out of the post. This would be a productivity addition for improved efficiencies across the board and accessibility at the same time
When you copy email you are only copying the contents. You need to see the source.
Select email so you see in Message Pane 'Ctrl+U' will open the source code view. Then quick method: 'Ctrl+S' will open window asking where to save. or longer method: 'Ctrl+A', 'Ctrl+C', go to open eg: Notepad document, 'Ctrl+V' to paste then 'Ctrl + Shift + S'
Type Filename eg: copied-email.eml It must have the .eml as extension in filename Save as type: 'All files' 'Alt +S' to save.
Toad-Hall trɔe
Thanks for that. It doesn't solve the original copy/paste question, but very helpful to capture the entire message with header info which is important to have. Perhaps one day a copy from right click or shortcut will save message and header info to paste as a file. Until then I'll do as you suggest. Again thanks.