Имею проблему со скачиванием почты Yandex // I have a problem downloading Yandex mail
Был у меня почтовый клиент the bat! Решил перейти на thunderbird. Настроил и приходит в thunderbird только новая почта, но в веб версии 6000+ сообщений. Протокол POP3 - это обязательное условие. IMAP не предлагайте как решение. Помогите.
I had the bat mail client! I decided to migrate to thunderbird. Only new mail is configured and comes to thunderbird, but in the web version there are 6000+ messages. POP3 is a must. Don't offer IMAP as a solution. Help.
All Replies (3)
Maybe you have to enable POP download of all messages in Yandex webmail settings. See the attached picture for the settings in gmail.
All pop3 settings is on. The bat! recieved pop3 mail alright.
Try deleting the popstate.dat file from the account subfolder of the Mail folder in the profile, with TB closed, then restart TB and see if all messages are downloaded.