Detached pdf documents: Opening from link opens as though in Temp folder
I regularly detach pdf files and more from email (while preserving the body of the email message) to decrease size on our mail server and to link to a shared document on our company's local database and document server. I mouse over the link and it shows the location where I saved the pdf on our local database/document server. But when I double-click on the link and open the detached/saved pdf, my Acrobat program shows it in my 'temp' directory rather than showing the actual directory where it was previously saved. This seems to be a new issue - in the last 2-3 months. Previously, opening the pdf from the TBird link would open and show the pdf where I saved it. I'd like to be able to open from the link, modify the document and simply save the pdf file without having to browse to the previously-saved file location. (Currently my modifications would end up being saved in the Temp folder, which is NOT what I want!)
Windows 7 Pro PC, Tbird v91.8.0, Adobe Acrobat 11.0.23
All Replies (1)
Hmm the location attachments are opened has changed on the apple products. Perhaps they really are in the temp folder.