Are you aware of a web site that appears to be phishing, pretending they are you? http://firefoxcenter.perl.sh/
My wife was browsing and came across this one. It appears to me to be a phishing site, where they are attempting to get firefox users to download malicious software.
She was redirected here when she clicked on this link: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.reflexologyguide.org/images/hand-small.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.kabalonga.com/images/sierra/_vti_cnf/index.php%3Ft%3Dreflexology-hands&h=626&w=590&sz=183&tbnid=xBu_KG2fnF2L8M:&tbnh=136&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dreflexology%2Bhands&zoom=1&q=reflexology+hands&hl=en&usg=__VBdb7eWLQSdGpp9TQjBQA5d_-1Q=&sa=X&ei=YyT_TLXAIJGusAOAhN2vCw&sqi=2&ved=0CDMQ9QEwAg
All Replies (1)
I wonder why a question from 12/7/2010 is appearing within today's postings - 12/18 ??
http:// firefoxcenter.perl.sh/ - that domain was reported as an attack website many days ago - it is showing as a Reported Attack Page! for me.
Don't you have Block reported attack sites enabled in Tools > Options > Security??