What is 'services.sync.prefs.sync.addons.ignoreUserEnabledChanges' in about:config?
I know what 'services.sync.addons.ignoreUserEnabledChanges' is, but I don't know what's the difference. The first one is set to true, the second one is set to false. Thanks
I know what 'services.sync.addons.ignoreUserEnabledChanges' is, but I don't know what's the difference.
The first one is set to true, the second one is set to false.
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I've already read that article, but I couldn't find any mention of what I questioned above. I'm curious about this: services.sync.prefs.sync.addons.ignoreUserEnabledChanges Thanks
services.sync.prefs.sync.* prefs that set set to true are synced to other devices as part of syncing prefs.
So probably is that pref setting there to prevent syncing this pref to other devices.