What is this download that keeps coming up LOOKING like it is from Firefox? https://tougahumax-cinema.org/7202925589242/6dc9f4d7f2d79d041a00fdf04138f1fc.html
When I first start up Firefox, sometimes instead of going to my home page I get an orange page that LOOKS like a Firefox alert saying there is an "Urgent Update" for Firefox I need to download. It gives a download button. It looks suspicious. Is this a valid thing from Firefox? Here is the address from the browser.
I have attached a screen shot image.
All Replies (3)
Fake malware, please do not open or run that file. More info to follow
Hi sseagrave,
Thanks for reporting this, as you guessed this is fake. Firefox does not do updates that way, and nearly all the official sites and pages contain mozilla.org
Your screeenshot seems to have gone astray, could you try to attach a screenshot again please, there is a button for that under where you type.
Note it will need to be a smaller type of file, such as .png types that the Windows snipping tool creates, or a .jpeg type file. (Large bit map file types that may be sometimes be generated by using the Print Screen won't upload).
This malware uses personalised links, I am unable to see the site or the download you link to.
Does it show what the file name and type is ? is it a .exe or a .js file.
You may be less likely to see such fake updates if you use a blocker such as ublock origin
At present I am waiting for feedback from Mozilla staff.
Here is the image you requested as a JPG.