By When CSS @Page size: support will be provided for the customization of page size and orientation dynamically while printing document?
I have small web based application I have some different formats for printing the document for which we need to customize the paper size and its orientation based on the printout. So I want to make it internal selection with @Page size: property for paper size and orientation. As this feature is not supported in firefox latest version also. I want to know by when firefox team is planning to provide support for this feature. I had checked the margin is property is working with firefox if margin is given in mm.
I am recommending firefox for my application but due this issue, I am getting negative response.
All Replies (1)
Two bugs were added to the tracking system last month, but it appears no one has yet signed on to write the code:
- 851441 – [CSS-Page Level 3]Implement the size: property (ability to define 'landscape' for printing)
- 851937 – [CSS3 Paged Media] Support for @page size
If you can contribute to the development, please feel free to pitch in. Otherwise, it's generally not helpful to add comments to bugs, but you can register on the site and "vote" for them to be fixed. See:
My own guess is that portrait/landscape orientation should be pretty easy because that's a built-in user-selectable feature. It's just a question of wiring the CSS to that existing feature. (Does the user need to be alerted? Maybe the prior orientation needs to be stored and then restored?)
Paper size, on the other hand, appears to be dictated to Firefox by the printer drivers, at least on Windows. I imagine that one will take quite some time.