Firefox won't accept e-mail address.
Why doesn't Firefox show the Bing Homepage Wallpaper in motion when IE and Chrome do?
Todas las respuestas (1)
I looked at this last August and I'll copy/paste my comments from https://support.mozilla.org/questions/1076004:
When I visit the page in Chrome and Firefox, the background section of the page is different in the HTML itself.
<div id="bgDiv" style="width: 1187px; height: 668px; top: -34.5px; left: 0px;">
<div id="hp_vidwrp"></div>
<video id="vid" muted="" onended="VM.play();" loop="" autobuffer="" preload="auto" oncontextmenu="return false" data-tag="" style="width: 1187px; height: 668px; top: -34.5px; left: 0px; opacity: 1; visibility: visible;" src="//az29176.vo.msecnd.net/videocontent/UK_Gateshead_ShutterstockRF_6899947_1080_HD_EN-US.mp4"></video>
<div id="bgDiv" style="width: 1347px; height: 758px; top: -79.5px; left: 0px;"></div>
In other words, it appeared that Bing was giving Chrome users the video, but not Firefox users.
Could it be some gap in capability of Firefox? As a test, I used the ua-site-switch extension to lie to Bing and identify Firefox as Chrome. Boom. Video. Screen shot attached.
So this is either is a bug in the script on the Bing server, or intentional discrimination. No idea which.