Useragent Switcher for FF for Android How To Use
I added Useragent Switcher for Android to my phones FF. I am running under CyanogenMod 13.1 / Android 6.1 my phone is a OnePlus One A0001.
After installing I go to: Tools>Addons> Useragent Switcher 1.1. When I tap it all I am presented with is the option to Disable or Uninstall?
I need to fool Microfleece into thinking I am either Windows 10 Edge or IE running under Windows 10 Home Premium. So I can d/l the latest Windows Update file transfer it to my PC and run it.
The previous Windows Update did something that prevents my onboard Ethernet Adapter from starting.
I followed the diagnostic and updated the driver from Broadcom d/l onto my phone trasfering and installing. No joy.
Thinking maybe the hardware was the problem I switched to a WiFi USB dongle. I can connect to the FIOS WiFi Gateway Router but no internet.
I have disabled firewalls. The system doesn't even list the device when I do an IPCONFIG/All with Administrator privs.
That's why I want to go to Microfleece to obtain the next Windows update which preportedly has a fix for this MS screw up.
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Add-ons for Firefox are developed and supported by a large community of independent developers.
I recommend that you contact the developer that made the add-on that you are using for support wit this issue. Their contact details can be found on the page that you downloaded the add-on from.