If Firefox opens by offering Safe Mode, does that mean a crash had occurred?
In "http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/255604/how-to-repeatedly-invoke-firefox-for-a-url-from-the-emacs-scratch-buffer" I describe a situation where I repeatedly have Firefox wanting to open in Safe Mode. Is it doing this because a crash had occurred? Looking at crash reports using "about:crashes" I don't see a 1 to 1 correlation between crash reports and Firefox offering to open in Safe Mode.
Todas las respuestas (2)
hi alan.wehmann, i think after three consecutive crashes during the startup of the application are detected, firefox will open the safemode window instead... in order to avoid that you could enter about:config into the firefox address bar (confirm the info message in case it shows up) & search for the preference named toolkit.startup.max_resumed_crashes and double-click and change its value to a ridiculously high number.
Changing toolkit.startup.max_resumed_crashes from 3 to 1000 makes no difference to the behavior that I described at http://apple.stackexchange.com/questi.../how-to-repeatedly-invoke-firefox-for-a-url-from-the-emacs-scratch-buffer