I can not download anything other than web-page's (full V64-64bit on win-7 ultimate 64bit)
I Can not download anything, other than web_page's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All so can not play youtube video's. All this after updating to Firefox version 64. Also I noticed that there has been more and more hic's as the update's come out. the last good browser that I had used was Firefox version 27 all of them after that has been more and more concentrating to use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The freedom was what brought me to use firefox in first place, but that is diapering fast with each new update. I'm slowly getting more and more dissatisfied with the program with each and every new update. Less and less addon's less and less compatibility. Soon it will be just another worthless download on the internet.
P.S. Yes, I know I'm what is call a hard user (if the option is there I will try it.) (And I like having options.)
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thelandcruzer said
I cannot download anything, other than Web pages! Also, I can not play YouTube videos.
All this after updating to Firefox version 64. Also, I noticed that there has been more and more [hiccups] as the update's come out.
The last good browser that I had used was Firefox version 27. All of them after that has been more and more concentrating to use!
P.S. Yes, I know I'm what is called a hard-core user (if the option is there I will try it - and I like having options.)
Click on the Windows icon 'Start' (bottom-left) and in the right column, bottom, click on Run. Enter in:
<center>DxDiag /64bit</center><center> (Skip the /64bit part if it's Windows 32-Bit.)</center>
...Wait until the green bar loads and disappears, then click "Save All Information".
Post here, just these information parts, under these three Headers:
System Information
Display Devices
Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives
Make sure your computer is not too 'LOW' on disk-remaining space. This will be a major performance problem if your remaining disk space is TOO LOW!
Example: At the moment, I have 37% space free. If you're way under 25% or less, then you're probably running into performance/Memory issues.
Windows-7 and Programs like to have plenty of free-disk 'breathing' room. I just cleared over 75 Gigs worth to get me to about 37% of free disk space. Much of it was old TV recordings (I have Windows Media Center with a Twin TV Tuner Card).
Perhaps you may wish to setup a ReadyBoost Flash Drive.
If you have a lot of Windows and Tabs and your FireFox Browser is set to Restore Session, the following will help with conserving some Memory:
Go to Options. Edit or Insert in the URL Box About:Config and go there. Change the following from true to:
<center> browser.tabs.loadInBackground false</center>
This will preload only the last Tab you were parked on per browser window. The other Tabs from your Previous Session will load only when you click on them.
Finally, I did the following FireFox adjustments for my old 2010 computer with the Performance settings in Options as shown in the image attachment: