What is FirefoxPortable.exe?
Its size is 177kb so its not a shortcut. Its in the first folder of FirefoxPortable yet there's a folder called App which holds both the 32 and 64 bit versions. When I used this FirefoxPortable.exe it opened the 32 bit version even though I have a 64 bit system. Shouldn't it have defaulted to the 64 bit version?
Todas las respuestas (3)
Firefox Portable is a 3rd party application, not released by Mozilla.
Support for Firefox Portable is over here: http://portableapps.com/forums/support/firefox_portable
Hi moz2u, This is probably a question to ask at PortableApps.
It does say in the Description: " Firefox Portable is a dual-mode 32-bit and 64-bit app, ensuring Firefox runs as fast as possible on every PC."
This is a way to carry Firefox in your pocket to use on many computers. Note: Some systems may block its use.