Beste Hulpteam, Heeft dit bericht van Microsoft ook te maken met mijn mailprogramma Thunderbird dat ik nu gebruik op mijn PC met Windows10? Moeten instellingen aangepast worden?
"The safety and security of your information is top priority for Microsoft. To help keep your account secure, Microsoft will no longer support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which ask you to sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and password. To keep you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar app which supports Microsoft’ s modern authentication methods. If you do not act, your third-party email apps will no longer be able to access your Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on September 16th."
Bedankt, mijnthedra Dan Dessau
Todas las respuestas (1)
Meer informatie over dit onderwerp kunt u vinden in dit artikel: https://support.mozilla.org/nl/kb/microsoft-oauth-authenticatie-en-thunderbird-202.