How do I print preview legal size in Firefox?
The print preview in Firefox seems to be limited to only previewing letter (8.5 x 11) paper? Is there a way to change the paper size without going into the printer settings so the preview will display what will be printed in another paper size?
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== First time I tried to print on legal sized paper.
Todas las respuestas (3)
Print Preview uses the paper size you have selected in the printer Properties when viewed through Firefox.
Not exactly ...
I believe this is a catch 22. If the last page I printed was letter, then when I bring up print preview, it will be letter. If I go into the print properties and change the paper size to legal, I have two options:
Option 1 is to click on OK and then the page will print legal without any preview.
Option 2 is to click cancel and then the print preview remains letter size.
Now, if I choose option 1 and waste a sheet of paper, the next time I go into print preview it will be legal. However, I run into the same problem trying to get the preview back to letter size. I have to print [and waste a sheet of paper] in order for the print properties change to take affect.
Firefox print preview is not very 'Green' in my observation.
"Green"? LOL. Sorry I don't have a better answer, but when you want to change the paper size you have to print something for that new setting to be used in Print Preview. The printing setup in Firefox is just focking broken, the developers don't have the skills or knowledge to fix it.