Bookmarks apears as usual between History and Tools, But it no longer apears as a drop down list and the 'Star' that adds new bookmarks is also gone. I at first thought a simple refesh would bring them back but no, then I tryed the 'help' advice but was o
Bookmarks apears as usual between History and Tools, But it no longer apears as a drop down list and the 'Star' that adds new bookmarks is also gone. I at first thought a simple refesh would bring them back but no, then I tryed the 'help' advice but was overly complicated but indicated that it was a fairly comon problen. I've now tryed system restore and re-install, still no drop-down Bookmark lists or options for creating a new list
Todas las respuestas (2)
See this and provide the information. Probably caused by an extension: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Troubleshooting+Information+page
I have copyed and pasted the page your on-line help guide asked to look at Now what do we do next the information in using trouble shooting is not clear in proceding
Application Basics
Name Firefox
Version 3.6.3
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Build Configuration
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Modified Preferences
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