Although FF saves my usernames & PWs it doesn't fill them in any more.
FF always has saved Username & PW and filled in the blanks when needed. One day, some weeks ago it stopped doing that. Now, I have to click or dbl click the username space, in which case the username "drops down" and when I select it, the PW fills in. It shouldn't be relevant, but it started happening right after I went to Tools>Options/ Security Tab and viewed my passwords for the first time. I didn't change any settings while there.
Todas las respuestas (4)
- Make sure that you not run Firefox in (permanent) Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history mode
- You are in Private Browsing mode if you see "Tools > Stop Private Browsing", possibly grayed
- You enter Private Browsing mode if you select: Tools > Options > Privacy > History: Firefox will: "Never Remember History"
- To see all History settings, choose: Tools > Options > Privacy, choose the setting Firefox will: Use custom settings for history
- Uncheck: [ ] "Automatically start Firefox in a private browsing session"
---On certain sites that are designed using a particular script (E.G., HTML, JAVA, Flash) I have noticed that it will not fill in the information. On sites such as my Credit Union home page, it will never even ask* for auto fill. This is the site's own security measure and that will never change. Just like my CU website, some sites have it scripted not to save credentials.
---However, since IE has made its way into FF's browser cache and/or history, as I have posted here (with little attention/concern/help and basically no response by anyone who uses FF for a reason other than "it's cool"), we should expect multiple problems in the near future, including this severe unresponsive browser & lag that has started just after the implementation of "plugin-container".
---Try setting a master password for FF as a test. Oftentimes I would describe what I have seen as the page hadn't loaded completely, prior to Password Manager having a look around. With a master password set, you will get a pop-up asking you for your master password, wait a few seconds for the page to load in the background, enter & apply your master password and see if it doesn't auto fill for you immediately.
Modificadas por AKA3Toes el
Some sites like PayPal, Yahoo, Windows Live and bank sites use autocomplete="off" to prevent Firefox from saving and filling the name and the password.
If a site uses autocomplete="off" then look at this article for a bookmarklet to remove that autocomplete attribute and Firefox will offer to store the name and password.
Modificadas por cor-el el
-TomHadji say,
---I have been able to autofill on Windows Live, Yahoo and PayPal for some time now. FF has allowed me to do so for the past 4 years on all but yahoo... and yahoo has with the latest version.
---Is it another problem related to security, due to IE nosing around in FF folders/registry or was it an issue where "something was changed and I thought I changed it back again"?
---Glad I could help if I did.
Modificadas por AKA3Toes el