Firefox 4 won't load?!
My Firefox won't load! I just got updated to the new Firefox, FF4. The problem is, I can't do anything on it. I load my homepage (Google) and I try to click the drop dowm menu. But, I can't click anything, or search anything, or reset anything! All I can do is minimize and exit out. But nothing else.
What do I do?! D:
Todas las respuestas (1)
Do you have McAfee Site Advisor installed, that extension has been causing problems particularly with Google and other search sites. If you have it try disabling it to see if Firefox works. You can also try installing the latest version (3.3.1) of the Site Advisor, that one should work.
Mozilla are planning on blocking older versions of McAfee Site Advisor in Firefox 4 due to the problems they cause.