Unable to locate FF 3.6.16 on Mozilla.com for Download to replace FF4
Support Q & A provide instructions to Uninstall FF4 and to Download FF3.6* "from Mozilla.com"... Cannot find FF3.6* there, not even in support ppg. Ifeel really unhappy with FF4. E.G., in the middle of working with Gmail, it keeps asking me to sign in, that I cannot sign in because cookies are turned off (they are not), then I have to start all over, cuz what I was doing is gone; I go to a site/page and from whence I came is gone when I turn around to come back; My bank suddenly also since FF4 has me sign in often, and signs me out sooner than before. There, that's for starturds.
Todas las respuestas (2)
Firefox 3.6.16 is at http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
Which can be found by way of
www.mozilla.com -> All Systems & Languages -> Firefox 3.6.16 on right.
Modificadas por James el
Thank you for addressing the leading problem, and composing so clear and answer, James. FF4 becoming much more unstable. Since posting my problem, I discovered here in Forum something about Add-Ons which slow FF -> list rating by percent slows. I deleted almost all my add-ons from that list, keeping a cpl. Then I closed/reopened, and also completely shut down laptop for an hour. Upon startup, FF4 begins to settle down. I read up on the pitfalls of reverting, which intimidated me, so now, with FF4 behaving, I think I will stay put until more happens unhappily. Thank you, again, James.