Unable to install 5.0.1. Get message saying must restart to complete previous upgrade, but it never completes and I continuouisly get the "Restart" message.
Yesterday I upgraded to Firefox 5.0.1. My system is Win7 64-bit. The program asked me to restart to complete upgrade; however, even after restart I continue to get the same message. I attempted to "uninstall" via Windows Control Panel and even within the Mozilla Firefox program file. Again, the only message I get is to "restart to allow upgrade to complete.
Todas las respuestas (5)
The program must close to allow a previous installation attempt to complete
Check and tell if its working.
Thanks for your reply. I found that article while troubleshooting; however, those files do not exist. In other words, when I search for %APPDATA%, it takes me to a "roaming" folder, but there is no file named qpidata...
So, I am in a circular issue where I am prompted to restart windows to "finish upgrade" but even after restart, I continue to get the same "restart windows to finish..." message.
Anything else I should try?
Install Firefox on Windows
Check and tell if its working.
Do you have a VirtualStore folder?
- C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
The "Application Data" folder in XP/Win2K and the "AppData" folder in Vista/Windows 7 are hidden folders.
Thanks for your suggestions. I am traveling until Friday, so I will put you suggestions into action then. I'll let you know the outcome.
Ideally I will completely uninstall Firefox and the reinstall. I did try to install Firefox on top of my current version, thinking this might fix the issue; however, I got the "...you must restart Windows to complete previous upgrade..."
Thanks again.