Having trouble with downloads. E-mail attachments are downloaded as ASHX files, instead of .doc/.pdf'. Then it tries to open them in Wordperfect, which is supposedly the default. I didn't select that and I don't know how to disable it. Help!
1. I download email attachments (.doc, .pdf) 2. Download window says they're ASHX files 3. Firefox tries to open the files with Wordperfect, instead of Word or Acrobat. 4. how do I stop this?
1. I download email attachments (.doc, .pdf)
2. Download window says they're ASHX files
3. Firefox tries to open the files with Wordperfect, instead of Word or Acrobat.
4. how do I stop this?
Todas las respuestas (1)
See this thread: [/en-US/questions/894442] OWA 2010/Firefox 8 and ASHX Attachments