Error when loading https sites
Hi all,
Our company uses an SSL proxy that intercepts SSL connections that aren't whitelisted. This means that gmail, facebook, and other sites are issued an SSL certificate by our proxy instead of from the website itself. I am the admin of this system. I am sure that public cert is loaded to my machine and I also verifed that I see it on firefox options menu.
Eveything started with the firefox upgrade 10.0
Description: Unable to locate the server named "localhost.localdomain" --- the server does not have a DNS entry. Perhaps there is a misspelling in the server name, or the server no longer exists. Double-check the name and try again.
Also, the address bar displays an address like this: http://localhost.localdomain/auth/?du=aHR0cDoasdfadsfadsfa5jb20v
For reference the same issue in chrome please visit:
Todas las respuestas (1)
This may be related to bug fixes of the BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS) attack.
See comment 60 in this bug report for workaround, but be aware that this makes you vulnerable to that BEAST attack.
- bug 702111 - Servers intolerant to 1/n-1 record splitting. "The connection was reset"