Do not have any "tab buttons" or "arrows" anywhere on my tab bar, where are they?
I'd like to see all my open tabs, and the articles I read all talk about Tab Groups, etc, and that I just need to click on the Tab Button to the right of my tabs, or the Arrows located on either side of the tabs, however, I have none of those, anywhere! This is truly frustrating, and I don't know why FF doesn't have a simple dropdown window that will list all open tabs. I also don't understand why the dropdown window showing all the open windows are in no particular order, and alphabetical order would sure make a lot of sense. Who thinks of these things.....?
Modificadas por StevenCee el
Todas las respuestas (4)
You will only see the "List All Tabs" button in Firefox 12+ if there are that many tabs open that you get the Tab bar scroll buttons appearing.
See also:
- Permanent List-all-tabs Button: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/permanent-listalltabs/
Thanks, but how many are enough before the button or arrows show up? And why don't the instructions about this mention that little detail? So, I still have no idea how to find what open tabs I have, without having to scroll through every window I have open, every time I want to find something, which is ridiculous....
Ok, I added the List-all tab button, but how does that allow me to see all my tabs?
You will have to try that yourself by using the command + T shortcut to open new tabs until the button appears because this depends on the dimensions of the Firefox window.
You can use the above mentioned extension to get a permanent List All Tabs button or alternatively use code in userChrome.css to achieve the same effect.
See also:
Add code to the userChrome.css file below the default @namespace line.
The customization files userChrome.css (interface) and userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the user profile folder.
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ #tabbrowser-tabs ~ #alltabs-button { visibility:visible!important; }
I now have the Tab Group button, but all that does is show me the tabs open in this window, which obviously, I can already see. And I installed the List All Tabs button, however, I don't see it anywhere, nor know exactly what it will do, as there was no more info on the add-on page, than that it shows the All Tabs Button, (which it's not) great....