Create filter from the actual email-message?
Hello everyone! I keep gettnig LOADS of spam from different user emails different subjects etc.
I would like to create a filter that searches the actual message for a word. I thought "body" did that but appearently it doest.
For example, i want to filter out all the emails mentioning "free" and "Casino" INSIDE the message.
Or russian letters. Any ideas?
Todas las respuestas (7)
Trying to set-up filters for spam messages is a battle you can't win. For blocking specific senders you can use these instructions.
More instructions on setting up filters in this article.
It would make more sense to set-up your junk mail controls, and train your junk filter.
Thank you!
But it's also for my work. I get a message by the post office. One is for picked up packages and one is for delievered packages. Both are from the same reiepent and same subject. I need a word inside the message that only comes in that particular email to be filtered.. possible?
You can create a filter with 'Body' 'contains'.
Check the article linked above for more information on creating filters.
You are very kind with your support thank you. I tried to understand the article but i couldnt really.
English is not my native language.
I have IMAP and want to filter this: "Mottagaren har nu hämtat ut ditt brev." inside the body..
It says I need to create a custom header, but i dont understand what i should type and where. Would you be able to to help me out?
"Mottagaren har nu hämtat ut ditt brev." sounds like Swedish? I have no idea about Swedish.
Try these steps:
Select the received message in the message pane.
From the main menu bar: Message - Create Filter from Message
In the windows which opens enter a name for your new filter.
Select 'Body' from the top left drop down-menu.
Select 'Contains' from the drop-down menu right next to it.
Enter the search word into the text box.
Choose an action from the bottom left drop-down menu.
Save the filter and activate it.
Again thanks for your answer - that is exactly how I've done it but it wouldnt work. In the link you sent me - It says that IMAP needs me to make a custom header. I don't understand how I can make that.. Im using mac if that is of importance. Thanks again Christ
You can make a single filter that has more than one rule. For example, you could make a filter that says "Body" contains "casino" and add another line saying "From" contains "fred@yahoo.com".