How can I visit busy website without problem?
I would like to visit this website http://indianvisa-bangladesh.nic.in/visa/Reprint.jsp but 6 to 10 am GMT+6 I can't visit it . Always busy or problem loading page. So, how can i visit this website without any problem or how can I visit this website easily. Anyone give me solution for this.
Regards- Jahid
All Replies (3)
I can confirm that this is not available during this time as well: pinged and there were no response. I am sorry, if a server is offline please contact the administrator to ask if they can make it available for this time.
No server was online always but problem is loading page.
You may be doing this but, if not, you could try using [http://indianvisa-bangladesh.nic.in/visa/] which seems to work fine with or without "visa" at the end and see if you can navigate from there.