I want to add "arrows" or "text boxes" over "images" which I insert into Thunderbird email. How can i do this? Essentially, I want to "annotate" images.
I want to annotate "inserted images" or other information in emails. Annotations might include "arrows", "text boxes", "circles over areas in images", etc. Purpose is to send email, which incluides pictures or images, and be able to point out in the picture the area of specific concern to which I am discussing in the email. "Arrows", "lines", circles, etc. should be able to be "moved", put at different angle as with arrows, or increased in size as with circles, etc......in order to highlighg areas I am discussing in the emails. Please reply to: hmpustai@gmail.com (main email) and.....also to jpustai@verizon.net (if possible). THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I HAVE USED NETSCAPE 7.2 FOR ALL OF THESE YEARS AND IT SEEMS AS IF I HAVE THIS CAPABILITY IN NETSCCAPE 7.2.
All Replies (1)
Thunderbird is not a good tool to do this. I'd go further and say it's an unsafe thing to do in any email client. You don't have control over fonts or message width in the recipient's email client, and there's no guarantee that it won't re-wrap and destroy the alignment. I'd be intrigued to learn how the netscape product overcame these issues.
I'd edit the graphic in something like Paint or GIMP add the arrows there and save a version incorporating the annotations, then attach/embed the amended drawing in Thunderbird.
Or do it in a word processor and send the document as an attachment, preferably in a format such as PDF that the recipient would have a high probability of being able to open and view.