Bookmark folder not appearing in Toolbar but does appear in bookmarks bar?
A few of my folders have somehow disappeared from the Bookmarks Toolbar, BUT do appear in Bookmarks Menu -->Bookmarks Bar.
Suggestions? Help? Shoulder to lean on?
Thank you thank you ....
All Replies (1)
Hi lantzgd, did you import bookmarks from Chrome?
There is a wording difference between the two browsers, Chrome calls its bookmarks toolbar the Bookmarks Bar and Firefox call its the Bookmarks Toolbar. During import, the Bookmarks Bar items might not be moved to the Boomarks Toolbar automatically. You may have to move them yourself.
It's probably easiest to do that in the "Library" window. To open that, either:
- (menu bar) Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks
- Command+Shift+b
For example, if you click Bookmarks Menu in the left bar, you could drag and drop the Bookmarks Bar folder onto the Bookmarks Toolbar. Then you can have it there as its own folder or move things around on the bar.
At the top of the Library window, on the Organize menu, there is an Undo command. I don't know how many steps you can undo, but certainly you can undo the last action if it didn't go as expected. If you plan to delete things, make sure to only have one or a few items selected on the right side (large panel) when you do that.
Can you get it set up the way you like?