Compiling FF78: "Could not find artifacts for ... "win32-minidump-stackwalk""
So I'm trying to compile the newest FF78 (W7x64).
hg pull && hg update
Now as usual, "mach" annoyingly complains about some compiler being outdated, so as every month I have to
mach bootstrap
I select 2 (normal FF), it downloads "node.tar.bz2", then "fix-stacks.tar.bz2" and then crashes with "Could not find artifacts for a toolchain build named `win32-minidump-stackwalk`".
So what exactly does it want me to do and why does this happen?
"mach clobber python" does not work.
Thank you
Full log:
0:05.83 Setting up artifact node.tar.bz2 0:05.84 Using artifact from local cache: ...\mozbuild\toolchains\97a30da439a065e2-node.tar.bz2 0:05.93 rm tree: ...\mozbuild\node 0:09.68 untarring "...\mozbuild\node.tar.bz2" 0:05.72 Setting up artifact fix-stacks.tar.bz2 0:05.73 Using artifact from local cache: ...\mozbuild\toolchains\7857866b42f45825-fix-stacks.tar.bz2 0:05.79 rm tree: ...\mozbuild\fix-stacks 0:05.79 untarring "...\mozbuild\fix-stacks.tar.bz2" 0:05.53 Could not find artifacts for a toolchain build named `win32-minidump-stackwalk`. Local commits, dirty/stale files, and other changes in your checkout may cause this error. Make sure you are on a fresh, current checkout of mozilla-central. If you are already, you may be able to avoid this error by running `mach clobber python`. Beware that commands like `mach bootstrap` and `mach artifact` are unlikely to work on any versions of the code besides recent revisions of mozilla-central. Error running mach:
The error occurred in code that was called by the mach command. This is either a bug in the called code itself or in the way that mach is calling it. You can invoke |./mach busted| to check if this issue is already on file. If it isn't, please use |./mach busted file| to report it. If |./mach busted| is misbehaving, you can also inspect the dependencies of bug 1543241.
If filing a bug, please include the full output of mach, including this error message.
The details of the failure are as follows:
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['...\\mozilla-build\\python3\\python3.exe', '...\\mozilla-source\\mozilla-relea se\\mach', 'artifact', 'toolchain', '--from-build', 'win32-minidump-stackwalk']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
File "...\mozilla-release\python/mozboot/mozboot/mach_commands.py", line 44, in bootstrap bootstrapper.bootstrap() File "...\mozilla-release\python/mozboot\mozboot\bootstrap.py", line 544, in bootstrap checkout_root) File "...\mozilla-release\python/mozboot\mozboot\bootstrap.py", line 400, in maybe_install_private_packages_or_exit self.instance.ensure_minidump_stackwalk_packages(state_dir, checkout_root) File "...\mozilla-release\python/mozboot\mozboot\mozillabuild.py", line 156, in ensure_minidump_stackwalk_packages
minidump_stackwalk.WINDOWS_MINIDUMP_STACKWALK) File "...\mozilla-release\python/mozboot\mozboot\base.py", line 358, in install_toolchain_artifact subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=state_dir) File "...\mozilla-build\python3\lib\subprocess.py", line 291, in check_call raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
All Replies (2)
HI sdagfk
This forum is focused on Firefox user problems; not developer issues. For problems with compiling firefox i recommend discourse https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/firefox-development/178
Thank you