-private-window Argument Not Working
macOS. Firefox is running. I enter: open -a Firefox --args -private-window "https://apple.com" (in Terminal or Automator) which I believe should open apple.com in a new private window, but although the focus change to the already open Firefox window, a new private window does not open. It does work (apple.com opens in a new private window) if Firefox is not already running, but I thought the -private-window argument is supposed to open a new private window whether Firefox is already running or not. What have I got wrong?
All Replies (4)
Just woke up and had to read your issue again. ;-) I cannot replicate the issue. see screenshot https://paste.opensuse.org/38002852
The upload finally worked. I made sure Firefox was not running and it worked.
My problem is that is does not work when Firefox is ALREADY running, even though the description of the -private-window argument says "Opens a new private browsing window in an EXISTING instance of Firefox".
I see the issue now, but is it a browser issue would be my question.