Limited Tabs
When you open a web site, a tab is created up top under the "File," "Edit," "View," etc. tabs. And, obviously, if you have more then one site open, they're all there. But this week I noticed that with the fourth tab, they stop being visible, and there's arrows on the far left and right. So if you have five or six pages open and you want to go back to the first tab/web site, you have to hit the arrow on the far left to make that tab visible, and then click on the tab.
So they went from one step/click to two, or three, or four! Sometimes I have to click around to find the tab I want. Also, there's times I just want to see if a site/tab is there. Now, I have to click the darn arrow and find it!
Why do they do this? If it aint broke, don't fix it!
I don't want it like this. At all. I want all the tabs there, without any arrows. Just like it always was. How do I get it back to what it was?
All Replies (8)
Jscher, I never got the arrows until last week. They started to appear with the fourth tab. I hated them.
No matter how many tabs I have open, the tab manager (downward arrow?) was always, and still is, on the far, far right (under the x). That's fine, I don't use it anyway. Barely notice it. But I have a number of blocks in between the + and tab manager.
I removed a few blocks (the tab manager is still on the far right) but it seems I can get even more tabs now, in full, without the arrows. And I put the browser.tabs.tabMinWidth back to 76. I could play with that over the next few days.
I have nine tabs open (besides this page, all Google.com) and they're not partial tabs, they're all full so I can see the Google icon and "Google." Before this week, when I got to the fourth or fifth tab, the tabs shrunk in half, and I'd see just the icon and maybe "Goo". I just thought that's how it was.
I can go 15 tabs now without the arrows showing. Looks like I could remove more blocks to get even more tabs without the arrows appearing. And adjust the browser.tabs.tabMinWidth.
Steve09 said
But I have a number of blocks in between the + and tab manager. I removed a few blocks (the tab manager is still on the far right) but it seems I can get even more tabs now, in full, without the arrows. ... Looks like I could remove more blocks to get even more tabs without the arrows appearing.
Aha, those blocks (flexible spaces?) do not belong there. There should be nothing wasting space on the tab bar between the + button and the Tab Manager button.
In a reply on page one I had proposed to try Restore Default on the customize page. Didn't you try this as that would have removed those flexible spaces ?
Jscher, I think I put those blocks in to keep the tab manager on the far right, as I didn't need/want it. The blocks never really caused any issue, as far as I know. I could remove them, see what happens.
Cor-el, yes, I did "restore default." I guess those blocks were removed, I don't remember, and I put them back because that's what I had.
There have been reports about items with a flex property/attribute placed on the Tab bar causing the tabs to get squeezed together, that is why I suggested this before. I assume something changed in 108 about how flex (-moz-box-flex) works on the Tab bar. The flexible spaces have a minimum and maximum width (min-width: 28px; max-width: 112px;).
The flex property/attribute is over my head.
I removed the blocks on the tab bar and that allows my tabs to keep going to the far right, without shrinking. What the blocks did, was to prevent the tabs from going so far to the right. At least before they started to shrink. So the blocks up there made my tabs to be cut in half as I got to the fourth or fifth one. Now that I put a couple back (I had six or seven), I can get nine or 10 tabs up there before they shrink. I can still see the "x" on the tab.
So fewer/no blocks means you'll get more tabs up there before shrinkage.
I played with the browser.tabs.tabMinWidth setting and it's not having any effect that I can tell when it's set to 25, 76 (its default) or 100.
Regarding the tabMinWidth, you won't notice any difference until the tab bar starts filling up and tabs needs to get narrower. It sounds like you don't normally open that many tabs, but here's what you can expect if you do:
On mine, there's no difference. I can play with it over the next few days and try it again.