For visually challenged people, it's nearly impossible to tell which tab is currently being viewed, and I find no way to change this.
As an editor I do a lot of online research, which requires that multiple tabs be there at the same time. Because the bar that includes the tabs is gray, with the tabs themselves being a slightly lighter gray and the one tab actually being viewed a still (but only slightly) lighter gray, it is nearly impossible to tell which tab I have open, when I want to move to another one. I can't find anyplace that will allow me to change the colors. I tried personas, but they just make the entire top part of the browser window impossible for me to see anything but the design. It would be great if the tab being viewed would be distinctly different from the others—either a different color altogether or a MUCH lighter shade of the same color. I've worked in the software industry and know that a large percentage of engineers are young, but there are many, many of us for whom pale gray on a bit paler gray is a nightmare to work on. Anyone with vision difficulties, and most people as they get older (I'm both . . . visual problems AND I'm 66 and still working) who have to work on computers fight a daily battle with light on lighter designs. Please! Someone either let me know how I can access a way to select different colors that won't obscure the text I'm trying to see, OR please someone design an option or options for those of us who have difficulty seeing. Thank you.
All Replies (3)
Hi. See if any of these plug-ins help. ColorfulTabs sounds maybe like just the thing for you!
Here's the site: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=tabs&cat=1%2C14&lver=any&pid=1&sort=&pp=20&lup=&advanced=
(That doesn't look right. In case the above link does not work, this is how I got there: Go to Firefox Help > scroll all the way down and click on All Ad-ons > click Appearance > type "tabs" in search box to search within Appearance.)
Thanks so much for the suggestion. I downloaded ColorfulTabs, and at least it's a bit easier to distinguish one from the other. I'll do some more searching, however, to see if there's one that is noticeably highlighted when you're on it (ColorfulTabs is slightly highlighted, but not enough for my eyes to tell at a glance). But this is a start. Thanks again.
Much more than you are asking for, but Tab Mix Plus will allow you to set the color of the active tab, unread tabs and "other" tabs (after installation Tools > Add-ons, click Tab Mix Plus, click Options; on TMP Options screen, click Display, click Tab, in the Highlight section). Also allows setting of the color of the text on that tabs. TMP does a lot more too. Tab Mix Plus: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1122/
You need to update your plug-ins. It is important to keep them updated due to continuing security fixes and improvements in those plug-ins:
- Shockwave Flash 10.1 r53
- Check your plugin versions: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
- Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions
- Update Shockwave Flash
- Download link and other information: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Managing+the+Flash+plugin#Updating_Flash
- Also see: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Installing+the+Flash+plugin