How to delete the virus, 'About:Blank' from the Navigation Address bar?
My Firefox Start page has the Trojan virus, 'About:Blank' installed in the Navigation Address bar. How can it be deleted successfully, because it is difficult to remove All advice received so far are for Internet Explorer and Mac systems. I have Firefox 5 and Thunderbird operating. Stop Zilla is the antivirus unit which is okay but 'About:blank' has slipped under the screen. Any advice will be gladly considered. Cheers Jamezz
All Replies (2)
Are you sure you have a virus. About:Blank is one of the normal ways to open Firefox.
Options>General>When Firefox Starts> is "show a blank page" showing? If so, this produces About:Blank in the address bar and a blank page.
The little down arrow also offers Home Page or Last Tabs etc.
If the above isn't the case, what else is the virus doing?