The little 'down' arrow that used to live next to the forward and back arrows in the upper left of the navigation bar, is missing. It was handy to use to go back in big jumps without having to go back one step at a time. Can you please restore it?
When searching through a website, covering many pages of information, sometimes you just want to jump back to a page. Using the little dow arrow was a handy way to see where you have been and to jump multiple steps/pages backwards without continuing to click back, back, back, until finally reaching where you were. I really use it a lot and am hoping you will either restore it or provide me with a new way to do the same thing. Thank you! Maggie
All Replies (3)
The arrow to open the tab history of the Back and Forward buttons has been removed in Firefox 4 and later. Use one of these methods to open the tab history list:
- Right click on the Back or Forward button
- Hold down the left mouse button on the enabled Back or Forward button until the list opens
You can look at this extension:
- Backward Forward History Dropdown: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/backforedrop/
THANK YOU! Well done! I appreciate your fast response and clever solution.
Cheers, BuffaloGal
You're welcome