I have Lost my Google toolbar for firefox ver 1400.2
I have no Toolbar for my firefox ver can I get it????? It was there until a upgrade yesterday(no bookmarks,downloads etc) Can Somebody please assist.I have spent the last 2 hrs trying Thanks Darryl
All Replies (4)
Hi Darryl,
Are you able to provide a bit more detail on exactly what it is you have lost ?
Have you just updated from a old firefox such as 3.6. There was a Google Toolbar, but Google themselves stopped supporting this see
Does that help ?
Hi John,I tried all but no good The previous toolbar was Google & it had everything you I could wish for & I had a Lot,Lot Lot of bookmarks(I saved a copy of these to my D: I had the Latest Firefox I operate Windows XP When I open Firefox I have Google st as my home Page(this is fine) but I have a google toolbar Top Section Mozilla Firefox Start Page Below it is Google Section for which it shows a web Site if you are loading (at the right hand end,It has a Star,& if you right hand click it,it will show if you want to add to the toolbar.a go to web page & a reload arrow. I tried to up load a image of my Current Firefox,but it would not allow me to The only thing I can Think of is to delete Firefox & re download it & try again Regards Darryl Hard up under this is I Think a Google Toolbar(which is useless)
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I am not sure whether you are just disappointed at the lack of Google toolbar or whether you are also having other problems.
Firefox itself has bookmarks. Even if you have nor been saving any thee are a few default ones. One method of saving bookmarks is to use the star on the right of the location bar. Also known as the awesome bar or the address bar .
If you have any additional bookmarks saved by firefox it may be worth backing them up. Firefox by default also saves a history, and again by default uses this to suggest answers possible addresses (and from Firefox 14 may offer to auto complete again)
- Bookmarks in Firefox
- (Firefox bookmarks)back up your bookmarks or move them to another computer
- search your bookmarks, history and tabs with the Awesome Bar
- Do your Firefox bookmarks work ok?
- are you able to save and use bookmarks.
- Try with this page for example and the pages I have linked to.
- CARE note importing bookmarks overwrites any existing ones, always back up first
- are you able to use the backup feature ok
- do you have another device, a second computer etc if so you may like to try out sync
firefox Sync - Take your bookmarks, tabs and personal information with you
- did you read the Google Toolbar article, the first section of that explains how to use the Google bookmarks and transfer them to Firefox if required.
Try reinstall Firefox and DO NOT click 'Restore Previous Session' on Firefox Start Page