Can back and forward behave differently?
As of now, back and forward has dropmarkers. While I use to like this behaviour, I am trying to match the behaviour I have in Firefox, wherein the back and forward buttons are in the titlebar, acting as "Titlebar buttons".
I've already found most of what I wanted to customize my interface, but not being able to right-click for a back / forward context menu with all my previous destinations in either direction is kind of standing in my way. If you're curious what I am going after, in Thunderbird, see the attached GIF of my actually-working Firefox environment with the bells and whistles I put on it.
(For reference [LTR], Tiny Menu [with various changes], browser back and forward [movable via Classic Theme Restorer], all in the titlebar space)
All Replies (3)
Mind this does not mean by any stretch to not allow for the present back / forward behaviour, just a means to change it for people who want it to behave differently is what I am after.
What do you want to go back and forward to? Last/next message, last/next unread message, or whatever you were doing previously? So, to my mind, back and forward are ambiguous in an email context (as is evident from the drop down buttons), and I don't think you'll ever get congruence between your email client and your browser.
Whatever it is you want "back" and "forward" to mean, your best approach might be user-defined buttons. Look for a suitable add-on, and the keyconfig documentation to see what functions are available to you.
You're right; My use case is super-specific, and the dropmarkers are a visual convenience for a lot of people. I had looked around and there is no add-on that supplies back and forward buttons like I want. Though, earlier I cracked how to theme Tiny Menu to look like it does in Firefox and made a new user style to make it installable, so there's that.
Ultimately, here's what I want; I want the back and forward buttons to show the same content on right-click as when clicking on the dropmarkers, so the dropmarkers can be removed, supplanted by being able to right-click for the same functionality. Nothing exists for that... yet. And consdiering there might be zero interest in this, probably never at all, but I'll have some faith if I E-Mail the right dev about this, said dev might make something I and other people can use.