Javascript not responding after running the second time
Since yesterday morning I get javascript errors on my webshop that worked like a charm yesterday. Updated FF, Javascript, started in safe mode (both FF and Windows), checked all plugins/add-ons. No luck. FF 47.0/Windows 10 x64 prof error message: see attachment.
Cleared cache, cookies, turned off hardware acceleration. Tested JS test site (says Javascript is installed and working).
Anyone for a solution????
All Replies (5)
JavaScript Errors Windows
JavaScript errors may be caused by a corrupt registry entry. Use a good registry repair program. You can also try this;
Click on the start button (windows logo on Vista). In the search field type cmd. Right click on that icon then select Run as Administrator.
One of these commands should work on your system.
regsvr32 jscript.dll regsvr32 VBscript.dll • Source http://answers.microsoft.com
(A message should appear confirming that the process was successful) You may need to restart the PC after you are done..
Works! Problem solved! What I don't understand, is that these problems did not occur in IE. Does IE use other libraries?
Ouch! Did work for 2 minutes. After that the problem came back again. Registering the libraries again did not solve the problem anymore.
I will remove Java completely and clean up the registry. See what happens than.
The unresponsive script warning has got nothing to do with the Windows registry. See if this article helps. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/warning-unresponsive-script
Javascript crashes
Your problem title is certainly misleading, there are no crashes.
Registering the libraries again did not solve the problem anymore.
You're wasting your time.
I will remove Java completely and clean up the registry.
Why? Java has got nothing to do with Javascript. What do you need Java for in the first place? Uninstall Java if you don't know for what you need it.
And please unmark the 'Solution' flag for this thread, so others reading this won't start messing with the registry if this problem happens.
That article did not help at all. What I did is removing FF and Java completely, ran a registry cleaner, rebooted, reinstalled FF and Java. After that: the same problem. Strange is, that the script runs the first time ok, but gives problems the second time. The suggestions given in the link in the previous answer did not help at all. The suggestion to put my webshop on the blacklist is of course not usefull at all.