Thunderbird - crash [@ asepkcs.dll | UserCallWinProcCheckWow ] with Athena smartcard
Continui crash di Thunderbird co i seguenti report:
https://crash-stats.mozilla.org/report/index/a0bb73af-d057-4a53-91f9-515bb0201112 https://crash-stats.mozilla.org/report/index/f5d7f0ae-95cf-4a14-b55b-069870201112 c9863ff2-baef-4d58-96b3-bbfb20201112 a893f54e-0ab4-4bb1-9f88-55bfc0201112 b1060abb-60d4-4b72-823b-6d5660201112 7d843e97-af5b-4845-9373-3caf60201112
All Replies (6)
Did you follow the advice in your other topic to update Athena Smartcard drivers? The red entry in the crashing thread for asepkcs.dll is for Athena.
I have uninstalled all card readers, but I am unable to uninstall that driver. How should I do? -- Ho disistallato tutte i lettori di card, ma non mi riesce di disistallare quel driver. Come devo fare?
sfhowes said
Did you follow the advice in your other topic to update Athena Smartcard drivers? The red entry in the crashing thread for asepkcs.dll is for Athena.
I have uninstalled all card readers, but I am unable to uninstall that driver. How should I do? -- Ho disistallato tutte i lettori di card, ma non mi riesce di disistallare quel driver. Come devo fare?
I have uninstalled all card readers, but I am unable to uninstall thats drivers. How should I do? -- Ho disistallato tutte i lettori di card, ma non mi riesce di disistallare quei driver. Come devo fare?
If you've removed the device in Device Manager, the drivers shouldn't load even if they are still present and can't be uninstalled. In practice, that might not happen.
Problem not solved yet -- Problema non ancora risolto