how to recover a folder deleted in error
I am a Thunderbird user.I deleted a folder this morning - without thinking - and in doing so,deleted a very important folder that was a sub-folder to the folder I deleted.The sub-folder had a lot of very important data that needs to be retrieved! Can you please help? Regards Phil Thompson.................
All Replies (4)
Ctgrl+Z is undo.
Otherwise normally deleting a folder moves it to the trash folder. so moving it back restores the status quo. Although IMAP accounts often take a long time to synchronize radical changes. involving thousands of emails.
Thank you. This has not helped and I am now going through Thunderbird support to see if they can assist. Regards........................
This is Thunderbird support. SO I have no idea where you are or what you are doing. There are a lot of scammers out there advertising Thunderbird support. They even advertise through Google. But this forum is the only official Thunderbird support. Anything else is not what you are saying it is.
Matt, Apologies for the confusion. With the changes over time with Thunderbird, Mozilla and Firefox I thought that Thunderbird was no longer part of the 'family'! However, all the interruptions that I have had and with various inputs I have made, I am not too sure if I will have anything left - but I am still trying to resolve the issue. I do appreciate your input. Regards Phil Thompson p.s. I am in Australia.