Theme rendition is broken
I gave Firefox a pleasing top with the "Angelina Eyes" theme. It looks nice, but not distracting, and at a glance those eyes tell me that Firefox is open. See attached Jolie_eyes.jpg. To Thunderbird I added the "Krystal - Sexy Babe" theme.
But Thunderbird 102.4.1 (64-bit) in Windows 11 Pro doesn't handle a theme's image properly. Compare the rendition of "Krystal - Sexy Babe" by Thunderbird 91.9.0 (64-bit) in Windows 10 Home with the same theme in Thunderbird 102.3.0 (64-bit) in Windows 11 Pro. See attached Thunderbird_theme_problem.jpg
How can I correct that?
All Replies (5)
Thunderbird provides a couple of basic themes, but others are created by individuals. If you have problems with a custom theme, I encourage you to write to that developer.
That won't help because it happens with ALL themes! It's a problem with either Thunderbird 102.xx or my particular machine.
3/4voorby said
That won't help because it happens with ALL themes! It's a problem with either Thunderbird 102.xx or my particular machine.
I would take a punt on your method of selecting themes for Thunderbird.
I can find no theme for Thunderbird by searching on addons.thunderbird.net with Angelina in the name, despite this being the canonical source of Thunderbird themes and addons.
I can find a theme for Firefox listed on addons.Mozilla.org with the name Angelina Eyes https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/angelina-eyes/ by someone named saxocaster that was last updated some three years ago.
By forcing the web site at Thunderbird.net I can find the hidden and incompatible themes that are not included in search results, and there is was. Not compatible and not updated since 2010. https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/addon/angelina-eyes/
So your issue is there is no theme from that author that is compatible with Thunderbird.
When searching for Themes, use the Tools menu to open the addon and Themes manager and undertake your search there using the relevant search box. Downloading and installing XPI files for Firefox is not going to work in the vast majority of cases as the two products define their user interfaces in different ways.
Matt said
I can find no theme for Thunderbird by searching on addons.thunderbird.net with Angelina in the name, despite this being the canonical source of Thunderbird themes and addons.
I can find a theme for Firefox listed on addons.Mozilla.org with the name Angelina Eyes https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/angelina-eyes/ by someone named saxocaster that was last updated some three years ago.
I have never claimed that I use the Angelina Eyes Theme in Thunderbird. You said I did. Just look at and compare my screenshots.
Please reread my first post carefully and notice that -as I state- Angelina Eyes is a Firefox theme, and also that it was last updated 6 March 2022, see attached screenshot.
Finally, why don't you yourself test the Krystal - Sexy Babe Theme in Thunderbird 102.xx (and in Windows 11 Pro) and show me a screenshot to prove I am in error?
No comment or (hoped for) help forthcoming any more?