Middle-click now makes screen momentarily shrink no matter where on the window you click. This means it can't be assigned other tasks by Tab Mix Plus. Is there a setting to fix this?
When I click the mouse wheel, anywhere on Firefox, the screen momentarily shrinks. The window looks the same as full screen, but shrunk to about a quarter normal size and centered on what looks like a tab group square. My desktop wallpaper shows behind this square, but no icons show. When I click on the window it returns to full size. This is incredibly annoying. I want to be able to use my middle-click instead of constantly right-clicking and then choosing from the menu. I disabled addons and restarted but got the same result so I assume this is something new in Firefox itself.
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Nice to be able to figure out my own problem. The same day I updated Firefox I installed IntelliPoint 7.1, which is a mouse program from Microsoft for those who don't know. Open the mouse settings and change the wheel button from "InstantViewer(Default)" to "Middle-click". InstantViewer is supposed to show all your open windows in miniature and allow you to choose the one you want by clicking on it. Never even knew it existed until now.