Send button in Lotus Notes webmail won't work after Firefox update
I've been using Firefox to connect to my company's Lotus Notes email servers with no problems for months now. Starting this past Friday, after an update, the send buttons no longer work. I can get and view my email but cannot send anything out. Anyone know how to fix this?
All Replies (7)
No, but it just started for me today, and seriously affects my job - any suggestions are welcome!!
This video, by the way, comes up on an internet search, but does not solve the problem.
In Lotus Notes webmail, go to the top right corner of the interface and switch from "full" to "lite" mode. You should be able to send messages now. This worked for me and my coworker.
Thanks waldenable! That worked for sending emails and attaching docs.
I'm trying FF 18 beta. Same problem. I'd rather not use the Lite mode. Does anyone know whether someone is working on a fix? Mozilla ? Lotus Notes?
Another work around: in the new message tab change the "format" from rich text to plain text... then the send button works...
Thanks - that worked