Opening attached files - "do this automatically from now on"... DOES NOT work.
I get a lot of email attachments, and since the last upgrade I have to click thru the HOW TO OPEN A FILE menu every single time - so lets say 100+ times a day. The radio check box "do this automatically from now on" is always checked, and I've verified in preferences thats what is to happen, but not matter how times I quit/restart TB, restart computer, clear caches, I still have to navigate this menu constantly. NOTHING is happening automatically. Any ideas?
In addition, TB now handles attachments as "oh yeah, they are down at the bottom, if you have one"... and I would think most of us have attachments nearly ever email. I MISS the attachment box on the right side where I can also double check my attachments before hitting send. I sometimes have as many as 28 attachments - TB Mods need to make this an option.