Getting the firefox source code to compile
Dear friends at mozilla.org,
Thank you for your excellent web browser, which I've used for decades.
Can you suggest how I might compile the source code for firefox?
I'm an M.I.T. graduate who has been programming computers for half a century.
I have untgzed the file, from your web site, firefox-115.0esr.source.tar.xz .
/--- The build fails with the message ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_sqlite3' \---
To try to fix this problem, I've installed:
db5.3-sql-util dbconfig-sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libvsqlitepp-dev libvsqlitepp-doc node-sqlite3 php-sqlite3 python3-bottle-sqlite python3-database python3-minidb python3-minidb python3-persist-queue python3-sqlitedict python3-sqlitedict python3-sqlitedict pythone-utils ruby-sqlite3 sqlite3 sqlite3-tools sqlite-utils
The compilation of firefox still fails with the same error message. Can you recommend what I might install, in order to make it possible for me to compile the firefox source code?
I'm using
gcc 12.2.0 perl 5.36.0 python 3.11.4 GNU make 4.3
I'd be pleased to help you in making available documentation that would help others to compile firefox.
I invite anyone to email me or to telephone me about this.
Thank you kindly for any suggestions.
Very truly yours,
Lyman Opie [email address] [postal address] [postal address] Tel. [telephone number]
All Replies (1)
I have removed your address and telephone number from your question for your privacy and security as this is an open forum.
You can find all the information you need to build a copy of Firefox from code at:
I hope that this helps.