srpnet.com -> 'The connection was reset' but works on Chrome
Note: SRP is a large electric/water utility in Arizona--this is not just some random site.
Problem report: on same Android device, both browsers up-to-date,
1. In FF: browse to srpnet.com, get above error='The connection was reset.'
2. In Chrome: site loads normally.
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2 additional data:
1. This is on the same device, and just to be clear, also on the same network connection.
2. Toggling Desktop makes no difference. If in FF I 2.1. browse to srpnet.com 2.2. get error='The connection was reset' 2.3. hit the 3-vertical-dots menu 2.4. toggle 'Desktop site' -> get same error 2.5. toggle 'Desktop site' again (i.e. back to normal) -> get same error