Text field doesn't show frequently entered text.
When I'm double-click in a text field there is not shown list of frequently entered text in previous time. This option is very needed for me because I'm a freelancer and working with firefox so this feature is boost my work. Anyone can help, how can I fix it?
I'm using Windows-XP SP2.
All Replies (4)
Do you mean single line text fields or multiline text areas like "Post a Reply" on this forum ?
Maybe the Clippings add-on has what you want.
Sorry buddy I didn't find pure speed with Clippings 3.1.2 but already used.
When I'm double-click on a field like "username", "Email", etc. There is appear a list of text which I'm write in previous. However, sometimes doesn't seen. Why & how can I fix it. I'm not prefer any extension just fixing. Thanks a lot for your response. Please see the attached image for an example.
Your image didn't attach, only the thumbnail shows.
Make sure that you choose an unique name for the image (e.g add a number _xxx) to avoid problems with an already existing image with the same name.
See also Autofill Forms: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/4775
Username / Password field aren't really "form data", that data would be saved by the Password Manager.
http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Form+autocomplete Form & Search History has to be turned on in Tools > Options > Privacy + History