I want to prevent open websites from automatically refreshing.
I work with many tabs open at the same time during my work day. I wonder if the fact that they automatically refresh frequently is a factor in slowing Firefox. How can I disable the automatic refresh? I do not with to close and reopen as they all require logins and it takes too much time.
All Replies (6)
I wasn't aware that website had the ability to automatically refresh. Anyway, even if they don't refresh, having more tabs open uses more RAM. If you're on an older computer with less than 4GB, having more tabs might slow browsing.
I have this problem too. I can have an application like my e-mail open, I then scroll down through my e-mails. After scrolling down through say one or two hundred e-mail all of a sudden the web page refreshes and I am dumped back up to the top. I then have to try to figure out where it was that I left off. HOW CAN I STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING?
I am running the latest greatest hardware with 16 gig of memory and Windows 8.1.
That does not fit at all into your ideas listed here. How about someone from the development team giving it a shot or do they not frequent these forums?
In current Firefox releases the search bar on the about:home page and the about:newtab page have an autocomplete=off attribute that prevents Firefox from saving form data and now show search suggestions just like you get on the regular Google search page. So you can no longer have Firefox to save (remember) search terms via saving form data.
How does this help in the problem we are having with web pages updating themselves?
Sorry, it looks that my reply above ended up in the wrong thread.
I'm not aware of a way to prevent automatic refresh if the page uses JavaScript to achieve this. It is also possible to do this via a meta refresh tag.
In some cases this extension can help.
- RefreshBlocker: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/refreshblocker/
It doesn't work with refresh done via JavaScript as will be used in most cases these days.